Getting Started

Install the app

Setup your band


Connect the band

Data quality issues

The band turns off

Band dead after update

Using Pylot

Understanding Flow & Fatigue

Optimal time & length

Live recommendation

Daily summary



Firmware Update

Poor data quality

Optimal time & length

When do you work best, and for how long


The optimal time and length recommendations are provided after you capture enough data so the app has confidence in providing this feedback. It is available on the Dashboard in the apps, and you can also view it in Trends, while filtering based on all time, last month, or last week.

Optimal Time

Your optimal time is the time of day that Pylot recommends you schedule your key deep work blocks. This is based on the time of day that your flow is generally highest, and fatigue is not high.

We recommend you schedule your day to have your most important deep work sessions at this time.

Optimal Length

Optimal length is the recommended maximum work block duration for you. It is determined by looking at your continuous work periods, and identifying when flow drops, or fatigue increases.

You can use the recommended optimal length to plan the length of your work periods. For example, if your optimal length is 2 hours, then it would be ideal to schedule 90-120 minute work period during your day.

➡ Now, let’s look at live recommendations